超光速航行 FTL Faster Than Light 英文正式版(SLG策略遊戲軟體)內容說明:
FTL:Faster than Light是一款模擬太空船的迷宮探險類遊戲。通過遠距離的超空間跳躍,探索
挑戰的遊戲FTL中,玩家每一次都能享受獨特遊戲體驗,每一次的角色死亡都極富娛樂性。 英文說明:
In FTL you experience the atmosphere of running a spaceship trying
to save the galaxy. It's a dangerous mission, with every encounter
presenting a unique challenge with multiple solutions. What will
you do if a heavy missile barrage shuts down your shields?
Reroute all power to the engines in an attempt to escape, power up
additional weapons to blow your enemy out of the sky, or take the
fight to them with a boarding party?
This "spaceship simulation roguelike-like" allows you to take your
ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly generated galaxy
filled with glory and bitter defeat. 相關商品:
勞拉與光明守護者 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 英文正式版(DVD71版)(ACT 動作遊戲軟體)
南茜.朱爾的卷宗 Nancy Drew Dossier Light Camera Curses 英文正式版(AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)
蘿拉與光之守護者 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 繁.簡中文正式版(DVD版)